Sunworks, Inc. is a company that has been in the market since 2023. From its revenue data, it can be concluded that the company’s financial situation does not look very promising. Its current price at 1.93 is significantly lower than the highs of 5.11 seen in 2023 and lows of 1.23 seen in 2020, indicating a decrease in its value over time.
The latest revenue report from March 2023 showed a revenue of 0 USD with estimated revenue of 40 mln USD compared to its November 2022 report which had a reported revenue of 40 bln USD and estimated revenue of 37 mln USD, showing declining revenues for Sunworks, Inc.. The May 2022 report had a reported and estimated revenue of 31 mln USD while the March 2022 report had 31 mln USD reported and 29 mln USD estimated, further indicating an overall downward trend in their earnings.
Overall, Sunworks, Inc.’s financial situation appears to be weakening as their revenues have decreased significantly over the past few years while their earnings per share (EPS) remain negative or none at all. This suggests that the company is struggling to keep up with expenses and may need to focus more on cost-cutting measures or increasing their sales if they want to remain profitable in the long-run.