Market Cap for SunPower Corporation

Last price update: 23 Apr 24 23:00 GMT

Market Cap history for SunPower Corporation

SunPower Corporation is a public traded company that trades on the NASDAQ exchange under the symbol SPWR. The current share price for the company is 16.88, with a market capitalization of 2.94 billion USD as of 3 Feb 2023. This figure has risen from an average of 1.97 billion USD in the year before, representing an increase of 49%. SunPower Corporation has also seen an increase in its volume traded, rising to 5.26 million shares per day over the last 12 months compared to 3.52 million shares a day before this period.

The company’s performance is further highlighted by its Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E) which stands at 31.85 and Earnings Per Share (EPS) value of 0.53, both showing signs of healthy financials for SunPower Corporation and reflecting an upward trend in investor confidence for the company. In addition, the 52-week high and low range have been 28.42 and 12.78 respectively, demonstrating a greater volatility than some other companies trading on the NASDAQ exchange but still providing investors with potential returns should they correctly time their investments into SunPower Corporation stock over this period of time.

Overall, it can be concluded that SunPower Corporation have posted impressive financial figures over the past year and have shown signs of growth in terms of Market Cap, Volume Traded and P/E ratio which suggests that investors are confident in their decision to invest into this particular company’s stock portfolio as this has been reflected by increases in these areas during recent months and years.

DateMarket Cap
23 Apr 2024$341,940,300.00
22 Apr 2024$375,257,560.00
19 Apr 2024$387,532,340.00
18 Apr 2024$396,300,039.00
17 Apr 2024$405,067,740.00
16 Apr 2024$405,067,740.00
15 Apr 2024$413,835,440.00
12 Apr 2024$434,877,920.00
11 Apr 2024$438,385,000.00
10 Apr 2024$447,152,699.00
9 Apr 2024$483,977,039.00
8 Apr 2024$459,427,480.00
5 Apr 2024$466,441,640.00
4 Apr 2024$499,758,900.00
3 Apr 2024$508,526,600.00