Market Cap for RoodMicrotec N.V.

Last price update: 15 Dec 23 18:35 GMT

Market Cap history for RoodMicrotec N.V.

RoodMicrotec N.V., a company whose symbol is ROOD.AS, has a market capitalization of 15,991,188 USD as of February 2nd 2023. The average market capitalization over the last 50 days has been 21,080 USD and the average market capitalization over the last 200 days has been 20,168.25 USD. This shows that there is some fluctuation in the value of the company’s stock but generally it remains relatively steady.

As of February 3rd 2023, the company’s market cap was 16,216,416 which is an increase from earlier this week on February 2nd. The highest recorded market cap for RoodMicrotec N.V. was 23,100,000 on January 18th 2021 and the lowest recorded was 17,050,000 on April 16th 2021 showing that since then it has recovered some ground in terms of its financial position.

Taking into account both the current and past values of its market cap we can conclude that RoodMicrotec N.V.’s financial position is generally stable however there have been notable fluctuations in its value over time which could be influenced by external market forces or changes in personnel or strategy within the company itself so further analysis may be required to gain more insight into this matter if desired..

DateMarket Cap
15 Dec 2023EUR25,225,536.00
14 Dec 2023EUR24,775,080.00
13 Dec 2023EUR25,075,384.00
12 Dec 2023EUR24,775,080.00
11 Dec 2023EUR24,775,080.00
8 Dec 2023EUR24,925,232.00
7 Dec 2023EUR25,150,460.00
6 Dec 2023EUR24,850,156.00
5 Dec 2023EUR25,225,536.00
4 Dec 2023EUR24,850,156.00
1 Dec 2023EUR24,850,156.00
30 Nov 2023EUR24,775,080.00
29 Nov 2023EUR24,775,080.00
28 Nov 2023EUR25,150,460.00
27 Nov 2023EUR24,775,080.00