- Price:
- $23.94
- Open:
- $23.92
- Previous close:
- $23.91
- Day's range:
- $23.92 - $23.95
- Year's range:
- $15.23 - $23.98
- Net Income per Share:
- -0.09
- Price-to-Earnings ratio:
- -266.00
- 52-week Price Range:
- $23.28
- Volume:
- $3,124,069.00
- Average volume:
- $1,261,934.00
Company profile for NextGen Healthcare, Inc.
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. offers a variety of healthcare tech solutions throughout the United States. These include clinical care solutions such as NextGen Enterprise EHR, financial solutions such as NextGen Enterprise PM, patient engagement solutions like NextGen Virtual Visits, integrated clinical care and financial solutions layered with NextGen Office, as well as interoperability solutions. The company offers a range of solutions, including NextGen Share and Mirth Connect data and analytics solutions, which together form the NextGen Health Data Hub, as well as value based care solutions, such as NextGen Population Health Solutions. Additionally, they provide managed services like revenue cycle management services, which cover billing and collections, electronic claims submission and denials management, electronic remittance and payment posting, and accounts receivable follow-up, as well as client and support services. The company also offers professional services that include giving training, overseeing projects, installing services, and taking responsibility for applications; and consulting services for professionals, experts, and technicians, helping clients streamline their software and staffing solutions; improving financial and medical end results; satisfying official regulations; and satisfying the requirements of healthcare reforms. NextGen Healthcare, Inc., which used to be known as Quality Systems, Inc., provides services to athletic care organizations, private medical organizations, managed service organizations, veterans associated groups, dental organizations, ambulatory care centers, and community health centers. This is achieved through its sales personnel and reseller channel. The name of the company was changed to NextGen Healthcare, Inc. in September 2018. The company was formed in 1974 and has its base of operations in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Stock exchanges:
- Sector:
- Healthcare
- Industries:
- Health Information Services
- Ticker:
- CIK:
- 708818
- US65343C1027
- Website:
- https://www.nextgen.com
- Phone:
- 404 467 1500
- Origin:
- United States
- Employees:
- 2,655