iBio, Inc. is an American exchange-traded company whose symbol is IBIO and its current price stands at 1.48 US Dollars. Looking back at its financial history, it had a highest price of 16.5 USD in the past year and a low of 0.36 USD in the same time period. The market capitalization of iBio, Inc. is currently 18 mln US Dollars and its average price over the last 50 days was 0.7 mln USD while over 200 days it was 4.25 mln USD with an open price of 1.63 US Dollars and closing price of 0.75 US Dollars as per 02/01/2023 financial report by the company.
Analyzing iBio’s revenue reveals that on 13th February 2023, the company earned no revenue but expected to earn 600 000 US Dollars from that quarter which ended on 31st December 2022. On 2nd January 2023, it reported an EPS (earnings per share) of 1 and earned no revenue but estimated to make 600 000 US Dollars from a quarter ending 30th September 2022. On 11th October 2022, it reported an EPS of -1.96 and earned 61 000 USD whereas estimated 600 000 for that quarter ending 30th June 2022; whereas on 12th May 2021 it reported an EPS of -1.5 and made 1943 000 USD while estimated to make 1 554 400 for that quarter ending 31st March 2012; finally on 14th February 202122 it reported an EPS of -1.25 and made 168 000 USD while expecting 250 000 for that quarter ending 31st December 2021..
Based on this figures, we can conclude that iBio had negative earnings per share throughout all these periods except one which was profitable in nature as seen on 2nd January 2023 data which recorded an EPS of 1 but didn’t generate any revenue yet expected to earn 600 000 US Dollars that quarter ending 30 September 2022 which could be seen as a major variable in determining future performance for iBio in terms of profit margin or losses if any occurred due to expenditure against income ratio not being favourable enough for the company otherwise possible profits won’t be realized if not properly managed upon further monitoring from management side looking ahead into future quarters .