Market Cap for Heijmans N.V.

Last price update: 03 Jan 25 18:35 GMT

Market Cap history for Heijmans N.V.

Heijmans N.V. is a company traded on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AMS). Its current market capitalization according to the latest figures available is 262,763,330 euros. This is calculated by taking the total number of outstanding shares, 219,335,000, and multiplying it by the current share price of 11.98 euros.

Analysis of Heijmans’ market capitalization over recent trading days shows that there have been fluctuations in its value. On February 2nd 2023, its market cap stood at 247,409,880 euros while two days later this had dropped slightly to 246,532,540 euros. The share price has also seen an increase in value over this period with a change of 1.3536 percent and a 0.16 euro rise in price from 11.82 euro per share on February 3rd.

Comparing Heijmans’ current market cap to their 50-day and 200-day moving averages offers insight into how it is performing relative to its own history as well as competitors in the same industry sector. At 10.773 eur/share the 50-day moving average is just 1 euro lower than its current price and for the 200-day moving average this figure is 10.70675 eur/share indicating that overall Heijmans’ financial situation remains relatively stable despite some minor fluctuations mentioned previously.

Overall then it appears that Heijmans N.V.’s financial situation remains relatively stable despite recent slight fluctuations in its market capitalization and share price values over time which may be attributed to changes in investor sentiment or other external factors beyond control of the organization itself such as economic developments or events impacting sectors related to the company’s operations and activities such as construction or civil engineering services in this case

DateMarket Cap
3 Jan 2025EUR861,115,106.00
2 Jan 2025EUR862,446,042.00
31 Dec 2024EUR839,820,142.00
30 Dec 2024EUR810,539,567.00
27 Dec 2024EUR830,503,596.00
24 Dec 2024EUR831,834,531.00
23 Dec 2024EUR819,856,114.00
20 Dec 2024EUR837,158,272.00
19 Dec 2024EUR834,496,401.00
18 Dec 2024EUR853,129,495.00
17 Dec 2024EUR825,179,855.00
16 Dec 2024EUR817,194,243.00
13 Dec 2024EUR822,517,984.00
12 Dec 2024EUR825,179,855.00
11 Dec 2024EUR826,510,790.00