Market Cap for ChargePoint Holdings, Inc.

Last price update: 03 Jan 25 23:00 GMT

Market Cap history for ChargePoint Holdings, Inc.

ChargePoint Holdings, Inc. is a company with a current market capitalization of $4.57 bln. The company’s stock price has increased by 10.03% and the current price is $13.38 per share. The company’s average 50 day stock prices are $10.84, while 200 day average prices stand at an impressive $13.14.

The market capitalization of the company has seen a decrease from the beginning of February 2021 when it was worth around $4.44 bln to its current level of approximately $4.57 bln as on 3rd February 2021. At its highest, the company reached a market cap of approximately $4.63 bln on 1st February 2021 and at its lowest, it stood at around 4.27 bln on 2nd February 2021 which is still higher than what it stands now at 4th February 2021 i.e., 4.57 bln dollars.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that despite the fluctuations in its market capitalization, ChargePoint Holdings Inc.’s financial situation is looking good overall with a steady increase in their stock prices over time and a relatively high market cap as compared to other companies in the same industry and sector . The fact that their 200-day average stock prices are higher than their 50-day average stock prices is indicative of an increase in investor confidence towards this company so it looks like they have reason to be optimistic about the future prospects for their business and financial performance going forward in 2021 and beyond

DateMarket Cap
3 Jan 2025$504,984,476.00
2 Jan 2025$487,571,218.00
31 Dec 2024$465,804,646.00
30 Dec 2024$483,217,903.00
27 Dec 2024$496,277,847.00
26 Dec 2024$513,691,105.00
24 Dec 2024$504,984,476.00
23 Dec 2024$491,924,532.00
20 Dec 2024$539,810,991.00
19 Dec 2024$496,277,847.00
18 Dec 2024$504,984,476.00
17 Dec 2024$504,984,476.00
16 Dec 2024$491,924,532.00
13 Dec 2024$500,631,161.00
12 Dec 2024$518,044,419.00