Aalberts N.V. is a company traded in the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AMS) under the symbol AALB.AS and its current price is 47.47 EUR with 0.0422% change from yesterday’s trading day, making it a stable stock in terms of revenue. The company’s market capitalization stands currently at 5,249,232,600 EUR and its shares outstanding are 110,580,000 which gives it an earning per share rate of 3.38 EUR and a price-earnings ratio of 14.04. The stock has had a 52-week high of 53.34 EUR and low of 30.55 EUR with an average 50-day trading price of 41.552 EUR and 200-day trading price of 39.20255 EUR respectively .
Looking into the company’s reported revenue for 2022-02-24 , it was recorded as zero with no estimated revenue at the time being recorded either as per records from bmo updated on that day . With such figures , it could be ascertained that Aalberts N V is not in great financial condition right now with limited to no income being generated over the past year . This could potentially be due to external factors like the pandemic or internal factors like mismanagement though such claims cannot be made without further review .